Vink MG 1714 kopie
Vink, Common Chaffinch, Frinqilla coelebs

Location: Hof van Twente, the Netherlands
Vink MG 1721 kopie
Vink, Common Chaffinch, Frinqilla coelebs

Location: Hof van Twente, the Netherlands
vink MG 5635 kopie
Vink, Common Chaffinch, Frinqilla coelebs

Location: Hof van Twente, the Netherlands
vink MG 5360 kopie
Vink, Common Chaffinch, Frinqilla coelebs

Location: Hof van Twente, the Netherlands
vink MG 5755 kopie
Vink, Common Chaffinch, Frinqilla coelebs

Location: Hof van Twente, the Netherlands
vink MG 7741 kopie
Vink, Common Chaffinch, Frinqilla coelebs

Location: Bayerischer Wald, Germany
vink DSC 0286-01 kopie
Vink, Common Chaffinch, Frinqilla coelebs

Location: de Lutte, the Netherlands