dodaars MG 4207 kopie
Dodaars, Little Grebe, Tachybabtus ruficollis

Location: Kopenhagen, Denmark
dodaarsDSC 0203-01 kopie
Dodaars, Little Grebe, Tachybabtus ruficollis

Location: Enter, the Netherlands
dodaars DSC 0084-01 kopie
Dodaars, Little Grebe, Tachybabtus ruficollis

Location: Enschede, the Netherlands
dodaars1 kopie
Dodaars, Little Grebe, Tachybabtus ruficollis

Location: Enschede, the Netherlands
dodaars 2 kopie
Dodaars, Little Grebe, Tachybabtus ruficollis

Location: Enschede, the Netherlands